I am worthy.

Jay Shetty once said, “You need to use the thing that broke you to help others have breakthroughs.”

What broke me was my mind.

What broke me was how I viewed my body.

What broke me was how I viewed myself.

The constant narrative in my head that I told myself was, “I’m not worthy.” 

I’m not worthy of having the body I want.

I am not worthy of having the life that I want.

I am not worthy of having the partner I want.

I am not worthy of being a sexual woman.

I am not worthy of pursuing my dreams and helping others heal themselves.

I am not worthy of any good that comes my way - whether that’s kind words from others or success in my career.

I’m still working on understanding where that belief comes from. But I do know how I reinforced that belief constantly throughout my life.

Every time I made a mistake, the little voice in my head would tell me nasty things. Things I believed were true. Things that kept me small, making decisions for others over myself, judging other people’s lives, creating a negative narrative in my mind of who I was.

It wasn’t until I started working with Meghan Conley, my mindset & health coach, that I was able to see myself for who I truly am.

And that little voice in my head was my negative subconscious beliefs keeping me small and sad.

I realized that if I don’t believe I can have what I want in my life, I’m never going to have what I want.

No one is magically going to give me anything. 

It is MY responsibility to know myself. To trust myself. To respect myself. To love myself. To be okay wanting what I want and then going to get it.