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This week at kdh
Hips & Hammies
This week, we're continuing on this low-impact pilates-inspired journey with Hips & Hammies. Classes will focus on movements to both hydrate and mobilize both your hips and hamstrings as well as strengthen them. Grab your ankle weights because classes will be sneakily spicy.
The muscles around our hips are our hip flexors, glutes, abductors and adductors which are really midpoints in the body that connect up into the spine and back as well as down into the legs. We'll also be working on our hamstrings, a muscle group I selfishly tend to neglect for no reason and have been paying the price for on my runs (my hamstrings get really tight when I run long distances).
So this week we'll be both stretching and strengthening them to help our body move more efficiently.
Sign up for all classes below & I’ll see you on the mat!