Healing your relationship with your body

intuitive movement

Our bodies go through cycles.

We ebb and flow as we move through life.

What we like as a routine one day might not feel right the next.

Your life changes when you release the hold you have on your routine.

When you allow yourself to listen to what your body wants and needs.

See, if we’re not healed, we do not realize how much of a hold our body has over us.

We spend our days obsessing over how many calories we intake. How many calories we burned. Checking out our stomachs in the mirror every time we pass it.

Our mind is constantly thinking about our next meal, our next workout, how we look compared to those around us, or those on Instagram.

We are constantly consumed with looking at ourselves from the outside in, instead of the inside out.

It’s a hard habit to change. 

I get it. I’ve been there.

I broke up with my Apple Watch over this shit.

I used to look at my diet as a game.

I used to get emotionally tied to the number on the scale - that number had a HOLD on me.

But I broke free and I cannot tell you how undeniably good it feels.

I broke free by working on my mindset around my body.

I broke free by recognizing my patterns.

I broke free with the help of a professional.

I broke free by working hard to break free.

And I still have my moments. I’m not perfect. 

As much as I flex the muscles in my body to get stronger, I flex this muscle of healing the relationship I have with my body to get stronger.

You are strong enough to do the same. 

If you’d like help and would like some resources of who to talk to and content to consume about healing the relationship you have with your body, reach out.

I’d love to chat.