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Hi! My name is Kaia.

Welcome to my little slice of heaven :’)

I am a movement instructor first and foremost. I take what I’ve learned over the years as an active person as well as from the fitness certifications I’ve acquired and create a space that makes movement approachable and safe.

Kaia D’Albora Health was born to fill the space in the fitness industry that approaches movement without focusing on how we look on the outside.

You’ll find pieces of my love of dance and barre, weight-lifting and cardio, and any other way I find fun to move my body (sometimes just shaking it out fills the soul up) in each class here at KDH.

I believe that as an instructor it is my job to create a safe space for you. It is my job to educate you on the body, not tell you what needs to change. I want us all to feel empowered and knowledgeable, and I want to help you trust yourself

You do not need to CHANGE to be loved or worthy in this world. Period. 

I focus on how each exercise can help you physically move through life. I focus on the scientific facts of movement and the body. We don’t need to hear more bullshit about how the body we live in needs to change for us to be accepted.

I’ve found that the more we know about our body, the more respect we have for it. 

I can’t wait to see you on the mat soon! 

Let’s feel at home in our bodies together.




ACE Certified Functional Training Specialist
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Rich Motion Certified Barre Instructor
Rich Motion Certified Group Fitness Instructor

 Kind Reviews from Kind Members

I have never enjoyed working out until Kaia’s classes. I actually look forward to class now and I’m obsessed. I actually crave her classes. I even worked out on my birthday, and I NEVER would have done that before!
— Jill
Kaia is everything you could ask for in a fitness instructor. I’ve taken both the strength flow and her kick choreo - the classes are the perfect length and pace. She is excellent at making the Zoom format feel personal and motivating, and she gives great form cues. She makes you feel strong and confident and her classes are the BEST way to start your day.
— Emma
Kaia’s energy is so lovely, embracing, and energizing all at once. My mornings are sacred to me and working out with Kaia makes them feel even better. I love how life feels simpler with her and that her strength flow class is gentle while I’m still coming online from waking up early. It’s a nice combination of getting warm, working, but also lengthening and stretching the stiffness of sleep goodbye. I love you Kaia!
— Masha
Kaia’s classes are always so empowering. I love the way she challenges me with intentional, strengthening movements that are still low impact and grounding. She finds that balance perfectly, it’s my favorite thing about her teaching style!
— Hattie